85813. Jon Foege, USA , Naples, Real Estate 19.11.2008 22:58
85814. Антон Торский 19.11.2008 23:00
85815. Don Wecht, USA, New York City, Research Analyst/Law Librarian 19.11.2008 23:01
85816. Mordy Guez, Real Estate Management 19.11.2008 23:20
Please stop Communist behavior , and free her. Russian markets are crashing because we, foreign investors are scared you and Putin are making a uturn.
85817. howard matutkin 19.11.2008 23:22
85818. Catherine Silva, RN, Boston, MA, USA 19.11.2008 23:23
85822. Michael Levitsky, Russian Federation, Moscow, university student. 19.11.2008 23:29
85823. Ananyan Ashot, Yerevan 19.11.2008 23:30
85824. Stephanie Wideman, United States of America, Pensacola, student 19.11.2008 23:35
At first I was unsure as Svetlana was found guilty, but after reading about the possibility of her waiving her amnesty for better medical conditions I have become confident that she has served her time and should be released. Russia's image is already plagued with human rights abuses and so should take great pains to avoid both the perception and action of human rights from taking place.
85825. Shy Alter, Canada, Toronto 19.11.2008 23:39
85826. Sean Ellis, U.S.A. 19.11.2008 23:39
President Dmitri A. Medvedev:
You have nothing to lose by an act of kindness.
Please free Svetlana Bakhmina.
And drop me a line sometime, I mean, you never write anymore.
Das Vadanya, Tovarisch!
85827. Завадский Иван Александрович, Москва, аналитик 19.11.2008 23:41
85828. Sturla Stefansson, USA, Macon Georgia, MD 19.11.2008 23:49
To keep her in jail is an outrage!
85829. Жданов Денис Викторович, Мытищи рабочий 19.11.2008 23:50
85830. Benjamin Teitelbaum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Profession: Director de programme 19.11.2008 23:51
Nous voulons tous croirent que la Russie est une grande nation et est capable de fonctionner sous un systeme de droit. La clemence en fait partie ...pour cette raison la de Mme Bakmina est vital...
85831. Dmitri Vitaliev, Montreal, Canada, IT 19.11.2008 23:54
Show comopanssion for the children and a woman who has served enough time for her errors and those of others!
85833. margaret rinaldi, usa, seattle, student 19.11.2008 23:58
85834. harry greenberg, USA, Minneapolis, EDUCATOR 19.11.2008 23:59
Keeping this woman in prison for another three years serves no useful purpose and is simply showcasing Russia as an undemocratic, despotic regime. For the sake of her family, loved ones, and democratic people all over the globe who cherish freedom and integrity, please allow her to go home.
85838. Додонова Татьяна Владимировна, Москва, инженер 20.11.2008 0:05
85839. Steven Hobbs, Finland 20.11.2008 0:07
85840. Pedro Alberto Wasserman, Barcelona, Spain, Graduate Student 20.11.2008 0:11
I hope the Russian administration will heed the call to release Svetlana on humanitarian grounds. Clearly she has served as an example; the Kremlin has made its point very clearly in the Yukos matter and should not keep Svetlana behind bars; in my opinion, it is counterproductive to the Russian agenda.
85841. Diane Whitman, USA, Seattle, Healthcare (retired) 20.11.2008 0:12
85842. Sturla Freyr Stefansson, USA, Atlanta, Georgia, Law 20.11.2008 0:14
Her children have suffered just as much -- if not exponentially more -- than their mother. To imprison her any longer will punishes the children, the family, and does not help the Russian society as a whole.
85843. Зенин Игорь Игоревич, Санкт-Петербург, руководитель 20.11.2008 0:18
85861. Sarah Levin, Netherlands, Leiden, Media Co-ordinator 20.11.2008 1:12
Dmitri Anatolyvich, I ask you to grant clemency to Svetlna Bakhmina and return her to her family.
85862. Caroline Curtis, USA Milton,Ma Student 20.11.2008 1:14
I may just be one person, and you may one president. The difference? YOU have the power to do things like this that people can only dream of.This means so much to me, as it should to you. Imagine that this was your wife. Wouldn't you do everything you could to save her ?
Закон есть закон, но есть и милосердие и человечность, которые выше закона... С моей точки зрения, она полностью искупила свою вину, если таковая была.
Милосердие всегда было в менталитете россиян. Помилуйте, Медведев!
85872. Kathy Ricciardi Tahan, Clifton, Nj USA 20.11.2008 1:40
Request the President of Russia consider this prisoners immediate release based on humanatarian reasons -her present condition, as well as substantial time served on her sentence.
85873. Brad Mazarin, USA, NY, Lawyer 20.11.2008 1:47
85893. Anders K. Saether, Norway, Oslo, pilot 20.11.2008 2:40
Is there no mercy left in Russia ?
85894. Uliana Nerkrach, USA, New York, Research Investigator 20.11.2008 2:41
Being originally from former Soviet Union, and learning about the judicial system in the US, I am appalled that this has not yet brought any action from the government of Russia. The Russian judicial system is not on the side of the people, but on the side of some invisible, oldfashionly righteous,and completely irrational body.
85895. Stephan Bonnaire, USA, Baltimore, IT consultant 20.11.2008 2:45